The following companies are kindly supporting us on our around the world cycling trip:

Barbara in Al Bayda was the only Warmshowers host in Libya, so of course we had to visit her.
She welcomed us with open arms, the key to her appartment, four lovely though naughty cats and some jungle juice in 'dry' Libya. (*HIC!) Thanks Barbara and we hope you enjoy cycle touring as much as we do!
Nadia and Olivier in Tunis, Tunisia.
Arriving desperately late in Tunis harbour by ferry from Italy, Nadia and Olivier provided a few good nights sleep in their living room, some excellent tours, a wealth of information and plenty of good conversations over some nice wine and delicious couscous.
Averil and John Spry from Success, Western Australia.
Sonya's mum and dad have supported us throughout our trip, be it with presents on our birthdays, new cameras or handling that annoying paperwork. Invaluable, thank you!
Shoko and Gerry again, this time in Nimes, France.
After our first meet in Singapore, the Japanese/Canadian couple moved to France, and we spent five days in Nimes to catch up with them and their French adventures. Great to see you again! (but stay away from that Irish pub...)
Flo, Ernesto and Anna in Manthes, France.
One little happy family and it was good to see Florence again after we sailed together from Panama to Colombia on board Sailing Koala. And thanks for sharing those bottles of wine with us ;-)
Baptiste Roux in Grenoble, France.
It was so good to visit Baptiste in Grenoble, after we first met near Cali in Colombia a year before. We sincerely hope your great recycling dreams come true.
Helen, Colin, Gabriel, Alice and Harry in Thoiry, France.
Hanging out with Sonya's best friend Helen and her lovely family was simply the best. Everything you can possibly think of as far as making you feel at home, plus the odd circus act thrown in for a few laughs. Couldn't have asked for anything better.
Odile and Olivier in Champagny-en-Vanoise, France.
A wonderful couple who we first met in India and who invited us without hesitation when we arrived in France. Picking us up from Montiers, they cycled us up the mountain to Champagny-en-Vanoise., where they showered us with champagne, birthday cakes, delicious home cooked meals, walks through the countryside and Ali's first ever Via Ferrata.
Sarah and Sébastien in Morbier, France.
Fellow cycling travellers we chanced on along the Oregon coast and who we kept in contact with throughout our travels. We met up again in Paris and took them up on the offer to stay with them in Morbier. A culinary enlightenment to Morbier cheese, Savagnin wine and the famous French fondue.
Pierre-Yves in Paris, France.
After meeting in Greece and Turkey in January and April 2007 and in Tehran that same month, we met up with PYC again in Paris. What a feast and thanks a million for letting us stay in your appartment for over two weeks in the heart of Paris and for the great entertainment along the way. And not to forget the camping trip to Joigny!
Marnix de Nijs in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
In debt to this generously cool friend in Rotterdam. If it needs fixing, just ask Marnix: either he can or he knows someone who can. He also likes good food, wine and lots of deep-and-meaningfuls.
Hayley and Frans in Wassenaar, Netherlands.
Sonya's crazy ex-boss and wonderful friend took us in and let us take over the top floor of her and Frans' house in Wassenaar. Food and wine was top priority, just like the good old days.
Arjen en Jan in Utrecht, Netherlands.
Old time friends from Arnhem Art Acadamy days and lovers of Mexico. Arjen and Jan hosted us for a couple of days in Utrecht, as well as organise get-togethers with friends and ex-colleagues at their place and in the local Chinese restaurant.
Stan Roozen in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
One special guy we met on board Sailing Koala on our way from Panama to Colombia. He put us up in Amsterdam and introduced us to his lovely and hospitable family.
Reina Mulder in Bolsward, Netherlands.
In Bolsward, two cycling travellers got a much needed rest and it was good catching up with Ali's mum after a four year break. Thanks for everything!
Kunny and Adriaan van Wezep in Eesveen, Netherlands.
Not only have they kept the tax department at bay for over three years, helped us out in buying plane tickets from Brazil to Germany, but have always kept us up-to-date on their own adventures. And we were served some lovely pancakes as well when we stayed in Eesveen on our return to the Netherlands.
Theo Harmsen in Zevenaar, Netherlands.
An old friend, who gave two tired cyclists a roof over their head and plenty of late night conversations - adding to their already tired state. And who introduced us to the Zenderse Kermis and showed us how not to shoot metal ducks...
Michelle and Dave from the USA, currently travelling themselves.
Avid followers of, Michelle and Dave have kept in close contact with us throughout our trip and now theirs. They surprised us with a generous donation towards our journey for which we can only say a big thank you.
all the people that allowed us to camp on their plots of land or near their petrol stations (Brazil).
Rachel and Cristiano in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.
Cristiano first welcomed us to Brazil, when we had just crossed the border from Uruguay. Along with his welcome was an invite to stay with him in Belo Horizonte. We took him up on the offer and never regretted it. Not only are Rachel and Cristiano two very relaxed people, but Rachel is a whizz in the kitchen and Cristiano is pretty good at organising absolutely anything.
Raquel in Rio Acima, MG, Brazil.
Queen of MTB racing and one of the most vibrant ladies we've met, Raquel gave us a place to stay, great pão de queijo, red wine and canjica in her peaceful farmhouse near Rio Acima.
Julio Macedo in Tres Rios, MG, Brazil.
When we found out our bank card had been skimmed and we would probably be without money for three days, Julio stepped in and arranged accommodation, currency exchange and gave us some pocket money to keep us going. What a generous person!
Tatiana and Rodrigo in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
When Juliana in Curitiba suggested we stay with her sister in Rio, we gladly accepted the invitation. And with views over Ipanema, cocktail parties in downtown Rio and excursions to the paragliding scene of Rio, we were spoiled to bits. Cheers!
João Paulo in Curitiba, PN, Brazil.
Avid cycle tourer of the extreme sort and best pizza maker this side of Napels, Italy. Let us stay for five nights and then escorted us via the Estrada Graciosa to the coast of Parana. A big thanks to Juliana and Bruno too for making the trip a lot of fun.
Gisele and Rodrigo in Viamão, RS, Brazil.
Two of the most relaxed and heart warming travellers we have ever met. Arrived in Viamão and stayed for three weeks in absolute bliss with Gisele, Rodrigo, the dogs, cats, turtle, fish, chickens and whatever other animals happen to hang around.
The Garcia family in Panguipulli, Chile.
Some of the biggest hearts in Chile. A huge thank you to the Garcia family for giving us every taste of Chilean hospitality and for accomodating us in their beautiful holiday home in Panguipulli. And to Carmen Garcia for her amazing tiramisu.
Natalia and Benjamin in Santiago de Chile.
If a few parties in Santiago de Chile in January weren't enough, Natalia and Benja invited us to their wedding in Panguipulli in February 2010... we are still recuperating...
(and a big thanks to the Black Eyed Peas for "Tonights gonna to be a good night")
Eric Maes from Arnhem, the Netherlands.
Thanks for the surprise donation from a fellow artist in the Netherlands, when we cycled through Ecuador. We put it to good use!
Alba, Luigi, Valentina and Donatella in Armenia, Colombia.
This Italian/Colombian couple stopped us on the climb towards La Linea and invited us to their home in Armenia, at the foot of the climb. They gave us food, a place to put our heads, a tour of the area and plenty of conversations for two days running. Thanks guys!
Susanne Pelletier from Vancouver, Canada in Baja California, Mexico.
Susanne totally surprised us when, on the day of her departure from the beaches of Baja California, she came to say goodbye and donated a generous amount of US dollars towards our trip. What can we say, but THANK YOU!
Kelly and Tim in Cardiff-by-the-Sea, California, USA.
A chance meeting in BC Canada with Kelly and Tim led to a couple of beautiful nights in Tim's appartment in Cardiff-by-the-Sea with good food, videos and company.
Jim Abraham in Laguna Beach, California, USA.
didn't just entertain us and our group of cycle friends when we biked along the Oregon and Californian coast, but invited us into his house and life in Laguna Beach for almost three weeks. You're a generous guy, a great friend and a pretty funny dude!
Crescent and Eric in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Our first ever Warmshowers hosts and what a great start it was for us. They invited us in their home, gave us a place to sleep, enabled us to catch up online and showed us where to buy the best beers on tap in Las Vegas. "You want another one?"
Molly in Oakland, California, USA.
We bumped into Molly in Gilgit and ended up on a very high and low cycling adventure through some remote Pakistani countryside. So when we arrived in San Fran, she not only let us take over her lounge room, but helped us find what we needed to move on with the rest of our tour.
Angie and Brad in Selah, Washington, USA.
Not only did we get a boat ride around Steamboat Rock, but Brad and Angie took us in for the night when we landed on their doorstep in Selah. And to make sure we took the right road, Brad cycled us out of town.
Shannon in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
This cool gal kicked out her flatmate, took us in, wined and dined us, showered us with Lush products, introduced us to her friends and showed us all the good spots around town.
James in Victoria, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.
What can we say? Just like when we met in Istanbul: late night parties, great conversations and lots of laughter. And to top it off, some excellent biking, camping and surfing.
Maki and Nigel in Tokyo, Japan.
Via Gerry in Singapore we got in touch with Maki and Nigel, living in the heart of Tokyo. They hosted us for five days, while we planned our route, downloaded music and enjoyed some good Japanese and Indian dinners together.
Gillian and Wilhem in Bangkok, Thailand
we met Irish Gillian and French Wilhem with their two babies on the road just south of Petchaburi. They just set off again on their bikes after a lenghty break and offered us their appartment in downtown Bangkok! What a joy.
contacted us when we were on the road for only six months, letting us know that we were more than welcome, should we be anywhere near Singapore. So when we finally did end up at the end of the Malaysian peninsula, we dropped in, made new friends, were taught how to paddle in a dragon boat and had a great time chatting.
The Hashmi family in Wapda Town Gujranwala, Pakistan,
were too curious to see two westerners pass on a bicycle, to let us not stay at their house. That included some very good meals, some religious lessons but above all good conversations.
Nasibe, Gökhan & Oğuzhan in Muğla, Turkey.
When we found out all the hotels in Muğla were full due to the state exams, Gökhan and Nasibe immediately offered us their bed, breakfast and hospitality. What a generous family.
Maggie and Frank from Arnhem, the Netherlands,
for letting us stay at their favourite holiday destination: La Fabbrica di San Martino. An absolutely brilliant place in beautiful Tuscany. No wonder they keep going back !
Catja and Robert in Denia, Spain.
It was great to see Sanne's mum again after she moved to Spain a few years earlier. And great to see a familiar face after our first three months on the road.
Theo Jansen, Zevenaar, the Netherlands.
Thank you for letting us use SnookerCentre Zevenaar on a Friday night for our Goodbye Holland party and for throwing away the bill the next morning, hence footing the cost of the drinks as well...