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Contact us

While we're on the road, you CAN get in touch with us.

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First of all, we have manufactured a guestbook on this site.
For you to leave a message (or two, or more; doesn't matter)

Secondly, you can e-mail us your private messages; send it to

You can send faxes to our eFax number: +31 (0)84 719 1472. This service sends faxes through to our e-mail account, very handy. Be aware ($$$) that you will be sending a fax via the Netherlands...

You can also send us normal mail if you want... Your best bet is to send letters to us via an American Express Client Letter Service. If it's a parcel, send it via DHL, as they have offices worldwide.

We also have a Skype account. So when you see us online, feel free to contact us here: callto://

Try finding us at Facebook (Sonya Spry)

We're at Twitter (Aaldrik Mulder / tourdottk)

And on Hyves (Ali on

Or subscribe to our RSS feeds...

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Watch our video's (at even better quality) at Vimeo!

If you are interested, we can put you in our mailing list and send you periodical updates. Subscribe here !

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