As you can imagine: before
we can leave on such a long trip through
so many countries, there's heaps to do!
This page shows the last preparations before we left the Netherlands on the 31st of July, 2006.
You can find more preperations concerning Health in our Tips & Tricks section. This will show you what we went through medically before we left on our trip and what happened while we were on the road. There is also a seperate page about our Insurance and why we never used it. The money page shows everything where money is involved, including our calculations of the amount needed on our 5 and a bit year round the world trip.
31-07-06 WE'RE OFF !!! SEE YA !!!
25-07-06 visited Ali's mum and asked her to hold
on to the only worldly things that we won't
carry with us on our bikes, i.e. official
papers and a computer hard disc. 5 days to
22-07-06 cooker, washing machine, dresser and tv
have all disappeared... it's getting rather
empty in the house now. But we trial-packed
the bikes and they look stunning and drive
beautifully. 8 days
to go...
17-07-06 the house looks rather empty after our huge
Garage Sale this weekend. And we took away
a couple of car loads of other stuff to the
tip. Only the books, lp's and cd's to sell
and off we go! Two weeks !!
08-07-06 the auction at the Party
(thanks to Hayley and Ronnie!) put €
252,27 in the pocket. Money to be
spend on (a) good cause(s) somewhere in the
world. Thank you, all of you. We'll keep you
posted about the destination of the money.
01-07-06 1 month to go... things are speeding up
and the house looks like a mess, boxes everywhere.
Two weeks before the total clearance sale
here. Everyting must GO !
18-06-06 Our beautiful pussycat Lotje has found a
new home today.
With tears in our eyes we said goodbye to
a good friend.
28-04-06 Upgrade of the Simpleviewer slideshow. Unfortunately
it wasn't working in IE anymore... but it's
27-03-06 we've planned all our vaccinations; May
will see 6 more injections against -among
others- typhoid and rabies.
01-02-06 interview in de Gelderlander (regional newspaper, circulation
approx. 175,000 ; Dutch) English
version of the interview
28-01-06 the site has been enlarged... again, and
this time with Dutch translations. I wasn't
quite sure how to do this, because I'm not
such a big fan of bi-lingual sites, running
parallel of eachother. So on some pages I
have given people the opportunity to read
the page in Dutch. For your infomation...
03-11-05 we are now the proud owners
of our own t-shirts.
But -even better- you can get one too!
They come in one colour, being black, but in different sizes:
Gents shirt: sizes XXL, XL, L &
Girlies: one size fits all...
Send us an email if you want to buy one (or more) with the type of shirt, size and quantity. T-shirts are € 10,- each excluding postage and handling. Within The Netherlands this will be around € 2,00 per shirt.
Please ask for a more specific quote if you want more shirts or require overseas shipment.
04-10-05 we had our first talks with the bank about
our plans. Organising our finances from abroad
doesn't seem to be a problem at all ! Even
if the trip is gonna last five years. We'll
be able to manage all our bank accounts via
the internet and correspondence between us
and the bank will be via e-mail.
21-09-05 our business cards are ready! We can now
start promoting our site. Thanks to Tibor and Roos
& Roos .
11-09-05 we have successfully (!?) finished a bicycle
maintenance course and, while learning how
to spoke wheels, met with several other cycle
enthusiasts on this nice weekend in the province
of Groningen, The Netherlands. For more info:
check the Wereldfietser website or the instructor's: M-gineering.