Internet cafe, León, Nicaragua, 26-05-09
Mexican moments
While we are glad that we cycled
through to Palenque and gave ourselves the chance to
experience a bit of the jungle greenery and traditional
rural life Mexico has to offer, we are more than happy
to leave the country. It has been a long arduous journey
touring down the Pacific Coast and although there are
a few interesting towns and quaint beach villages to
visit, they are few and far between. Tourism has distorted
much of Mexico and without a doubt, its growth will
continue to destroy any cultural and bio-diversity currently
present. Furthermore, the rubbish levels are something
all Mexicans should be utterly ashamed of.
Northern Americans have had their effect
on the country as well. Puerto Escondido is as perfect
example as any yuppy beach retreat. As we cycle into
town, two scantily clad Americans in bikinis tops and
cut-off jeans ride their voluptuous flesh and loud mouths
past on their just as conspicuous Harley. I mean, you
only have to look around you to see that the local women
don't dress like this; most Mexican girls swim fully
clothed for goodness sake...

Tip of the month: hook-it good
One or two of these can
pull you out of a fix, when left with a
bare wall and nowhere to attach the clothes
line or mosquito net.
Usually there is a spot
somewhere in the room or cabin that is made
of wood perfect to fasten this screw hook
Palenque (Mexico) - Nicoya (Costa Rica)
Kilometres: 1961 kilometres and 780 metres:
most kilometres in one month !
Riding days: 22 days of hard cycling
Alti meters: 14,246 meters up
Weather: it's getting hotter and wetter...
Best accommodation: Posada Los Angeles in Palenque,
Mexico. Clean, big and airy for a small
fee of 150 P.
Special thanks to:
The roadside mango sales woman for her delicious
gift • Reynaldo for directing us to our hotel in Cojutepeque • The internet café owner in Quirigua for
free use of his connection • Mary at American Express for the professional
service provided.
02: bolt to hold Tubus rack breaks off (Ali)
06: back derailler cable breaks (Son)
07: front derailler cable breaks (Son)
07: Tubus rack eyelet breaks (Son; welded in Dangriga
for 10 BZ$)
07: new tyre fitted (Ali)
12: flat (Ali)
15: front break cable breaks (Ali)
19: flat (Ali), flat (Son)
31: flat (Ali)